Tuesday 1 January 2013

Happy New Year!!

Happy New Year everyone :)

I hope that this year will be a great one for you all and may all your hopes and dreams for this year come true.

Do you all have resolutions for this year? If you do what are they? I'd love to know what yours are. Mine are to work towards going to America to au pair and working hard to get my dream body.

How did you all spend your new years eve? Whatever you did I hope you had a great time and that not too many of you are hungover :) If you are then spend today resting and drink plenty of water.

I want to make Ruby Robyn better this year than it was last year so I would like to find out from you all what you would like to see more of on this blog in 2013. Do you want workouts, tutorials, reviews or what? Please leave me your suggestions in the comments or you can tweet them to me at @AshBridger26 :)

Happy New Year again :) lets make 2013 an even better year than 2012. Have a great year everyone :)

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