Tuesday 11 September 2012

The Haute Bunny Workouts

For the past week I have been researching and trying out some workouts to show you guys, and I came across another blog which has really good exercises for toning your arms, giving yourself a brazilian butt lift and getting an itty bitty tummy.

The workout for toning your arms is great as it works your triceps, biceps and your shoulders. I tried it out a few days last week and I could definitely feel the muscles working.

The brazilian butt lift workout is really good. It works your glutes really hard, I couldn't sit the next day after I first did it and maybe it's just my imagination but I kinda feel like my bum is already a bit firmer.

The itty bitty tummy was the hardest for me as I don't have the strongest core but it definitely works. I like that it works all your abdominal muscles including the lower ones as well as your transverse abdominals so your core is getting a really good workout and not only are you flattening your tummy, you're also slimming your waist.

I love The Haute Bunny blog, there are many more great tips and exercises on her blog so go check it out and don't forget to let me know how your workouts are going :)

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