Saturday 1 September 2012

Let's Get Fit For Summer

Finally it's Spring!! Today is the first day of spring here in South Africa and there's no better time to get your body bikini ready than now :)

Through out the next few months I will post workouts to help you lose any "winter weight", especially in those stubborn places. I also will post healthy recipes for you guys to help you on your journey and I will be trying out the workouts and recipes myself .

My goal is not to be stick thin but to be healthy and I do not believe in doing crazy diets or starving myself to lose weight and 9 times out of 10 when you're on a diet you lose the weight but put it back on once you've stopped dieting. Being healthy is not about dieting or being a size 0, it's a lifestyle, it's a choice to take care of your body and your mind. I plan on keeping this up for as long as I can, not just until the end of summer and I hope you all will too :) I also believe that it's ok to treat yourself every now and then. You don't have to deny yourself your favourite foods all the time, everything is ok in moderation and you'll be fine if you don't over indulge.

My goal is to hopefully look like this by the time Summer arrives...hopefully :)

Throughout these few months, not only will I be giving you the tools to get healthy, but I'll also be here to encourage and motivate you. I know how hard it is sometimes to get up and workout but we'll be thankful in the end that we did it :)

I hope my upcoming posts will help you ladies, please keep me updated on your progress and if you have anything that could help others, please share.

Have a wonderful weekend :)

(Please Note: I am not a personal trainer nor do I claim to be one, I am just sharing exercises with you that I have found to work for me, do them at your own risk!)

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